Computer Graphics HW1 - Bezier Surface Rre
Hi everyone, I will talk about my first assignment in CENG469 course, which is Bezier Surface rendering. Firstly, I will explain how I implement the homework, then I will talk about issues that I faced during the implementation. So, let's begin! In this assignment, we were expected to render smooth Bezier surfaces in OpenGL whose height information was given. The height information of the surfaces was given with input.txt files. Here’s the input.txt file format input.txt file format The very first thing that I do in this assignment is parsing the given txt file according to given information. (I will come to that point in the issue part :), because I was parsing the file in wrong order, and It took me to figure out why my shading is not working properly.). After finishing the parsing operation, I will jump to codebase that was provided to us, I start to analyze the codebase. Because, I forgot the some functionality of OpenGL. Anyway. Then, I start to implemen...