
Showing posts from October, 2024

Raven: The Beginning of My Ray Tracing Journey

Hi everyone, welcome to the first blog of my ray tracing journey. I will introduce you to my ray tracer, “ Raven ”. Throughout history, ravens have served as messengers, delivering crucial information across distances. Similarly, my ray tracer sends rays through scenes, collecting and processing visual data to create images.  I chose the name Raven because it symbolizes the journey from scene to image, just like ravens carried messages between distant places. Raven Scene: rendering time : 9.45 sec Implementation Design and Architecture We can consider this homework is the foundation of our ray tracing journey.  Before I started the homework, I made some design decisions. I know that our ray tracer will grow with each homework, so I need to take some precautions. I wanted to build the Raven in a clear and structured way to make it easier to maintain and add new features as the project grows.  I am currently developing the Raven on the Windows 10 platform, using C+...